Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Owapard - hybrid animal

My hybrid animal is a combination of an owl and a leopard. I chose these two animals because they are both differently beautiful animals. I chose the owl because they are nocturnal and are most active at night. It represents me because I am usually up late and I enjoy the night time and night sky. I chose the leopard because I like their spots and they are smart and sneaky when they are after something. It represents me because when i want to, i can be very quiet and sneaky too.  The Owapard lives in the wild with open fields. It is also an omnivore. There are no physical differences between the males and females-besides the obvious. They are born like most mammals, from the womb. They also live to be about 35 years.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

thanksgiving kaleidoscope

On this kaleidoscope, I'm not really sure what should be improved. I liked this project because it came out well and it is very festive. The strengths of this artwork is the symmetry, it matches up well. I believe this deserves an A because it came out well and it looks nice.

Monday, November 5, 2012

rose kaleidoscope

On  this kaleidoscope the square in the middle could have been blended more. i thought this project was okay. This kaleidoscope was not my favorite. I think this project deserves a B- because it could be improved.

Friday, November 2, 2012

candy kaleidoscope

On this kaleidoscope , there could be improvement on the way the edges were lined up. There is a small space in-between. I think this project came out good because there is a lot going on. My strength was choosing a picture that was busy and worked well. I believe this piece deserves a A- because I think it came out good.